50% hike in Ontario police college tuition fees

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50% hike in Ontario police college tuition fees

Postby Thomas » Wed Sep 03, 2014 9:27 am

Ontario police chiefs warn a 50% hike in police college tuition will decrease the number of potential recruits

Ontario police chiefs are up in arms about a provincial plan to increase by 50% the tuition paid by cops-in-training.

“This is going to have an impact on our recruiting efforts,” said Peel Regional Chief Jennifer Evans, who heads the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police. “Some good potential recruits might not have the financial means to pay the increased tuition.”

The Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services has quietly announced fees for the 60-day course at Ontario Police College near Alymer will increase to $11,065, from the current $7,500.

Because most recruits will still be dealing with recent debt from college or university, some prospective police officers may avoid applying in order to avoid incurring additional debt, Evans said.

That’s a view shared by London police Chief Brad Duncan. The force pays cadet-recruits’ tuition fees upfront, and newly hired officers must pay back the interest-free loans within three years, he said.

A tuition hike could also mean prospective officers apply to police forces willing to sweeten the pot by paying all or part of tuition.

Peel, for example, has a collective agreement that says the municipality will pay back tuition if an officer stays with the force for five years.

For Peel, a force that often sends as many as 60 people to police college a year, that would translate into a significant budget impact, Evans said.

She said she’s troubled the province didn’t consult with her association before announcing the plan.

The increase takes effect Jan. 1, 2015, and is in line with other provinces’ fees, said ministry spokesperson Andrew Morrison. Even with the increase, the cost doesn’t represent 100% cost recovery, he said.

The additional money will allow for “enhanced training programs for constables, resulting in better trained officers,” he said.

Recruits are usually eligible for recruitment training loans through their police association’s credit unions, Morrison said.

At the same time as this tuition increase, the province is continuing to offer university and college undergrads a 30% break on their tuitions if their families earn less than $160,000 a year. The move costs the province more than $400 million a year.

Duncan said training police officers is more demanding now than ever, with a more comprehensive practical and academic regimen than even a decade ago, and that’s adding to the overall cost of training. But he and other chiefs intend to address costs and other issues and the potential ramifications with provincial ministry officials later this month.


Sent nine cadet-recruits to Ontario Police College for training in 2013.
Sent seven recruits so far this year, a number smaller than most years because of budget constraints.
Now only filling spots vacated by the retirement/departure of officers but the number of recruits could increase by 20 or more in a year, depending on attrition.
Pays tuition upfront for recruits, who then have three years to pay back the interest-free loan.


Located near Aylmer, it’s the training academy for municipal police officers. First classes began in 1963.
No direct admission; rather, recruits must first qualify, then be hired on by municipal force, after which they can gain entrance.
Fee for 60 days of intensive, live-in training is $7,500. Fee to increase Jan. 1, 2015, to $11,065.
Entrance number this September is 340; average number of recruits trained at each year is 1,020.

http://www.lfpress.com/2014/09/02/ontar ... l-recruits
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How To Get Police to Follow Criminal Orders 101

Postby Thomas » Thu Sep 04, 2014 10:02 am

1. Hike the tuition fees to become a cop.
2. Have all police forces offer to pay the tuition fees for new recruits on a condition that they stay with the respective service for a predefined number of years.
3. Brainwash the recruits they are the best of the best that have been handpicked to service the people.
4. Cop agrees, graduates, starts to work.
5. If smart enough the cop quickly realizes many of the orders are criminal, but is locked in - probably huge mortgage, credit card bills, must get their paycheque (where else will he/she make $90K?).
6. Can't quit, can't get fired, can't refuse, can't dissent, can't talk about it, can't live with themselves.
7. Domestic violence, substance abuse, drug addiction/gambling, depression, suicide, etc.
or that could just be crazy talk...
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