Huronia West OPP officer charged with impaired driving

Instances of OPP officers driving under the influence, putting lives at risk and eroding public trust. These incidents represent a grave breach of duty by those entrusted with upholding the law.
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Huronia West OPP officer charged with impaired driving

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TINY TOWNSHIP — A six-year OPP veteran has been charged with impaired driving.

According to the OPP, the officer, 33-year-old Lana Gauvin, is a constable assigned to the Huronia West OPP.

Police say officers were called to a single vehicle collision on Crossland Road, south of Lawson Road in Tiny Township, around 8:30 on Saturday night.

Police say the vehicle left the road, and rolled onto its side as it went into the ditch.

The driver was arrested at the scene and charged with impaired driving and driving with a blood-alcohol level above the legal limit.

Gauvin was off-duty at the time of the crash.

She is scheduled to appear in court in Midland on July 25. ... ed-driving
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Cop charged with impaired driving

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TINY TOWNSHIP – Drunk-driving charges have been laid against an off-duty OPP officer following a single-vehicle crash Saturday night in Tiny Township.

Southern Georgian Bay OPP reported the six-year police officer is currently stationed at the Huronia West detachment.

The 33-year-old constable allegedly rolled her vehicle into the ditch on the south side of Crossland Road, south of Lawson Road.

The crash happened around 8:30 p.m.

The officer was arrested and taken to the Southern Georgian Bay detachment.

She has been charged with impaired driving and driving with a blood-alcohol content above 80 milligrams.

She is scheduled to appear in Midland court on July 25. ... d-driving/
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Local OPP officer faces drunk driving charge

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A Huronia West OPP officer has been charged with drinking and driving after she put her vehicle in the ditch Saturday night.

Const. Lana Gauvin, 33, is charged with driving while having more than 80 mgs of alcohol in her system.

She was not on duty at the time.

She rolled her vehicle into a ditch on Crossland Road, south of Lawson Road, in Tiny Township at about 8:30 p.m. on July 13.

Gauvin was arrested at the scene and transported to the Southern Georgian Bay OPP Detachment in Midland for further investigation.

Gauvin, who has been a member of the OPP for six years, is scheduled to appear at the Ontario Court of Justice in Midland on July 25. ... ng-charge/
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Off-duty OPP officer arrested after crash

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An OPP officer has been charged with impaired driving and driving over 80 milligrams after a car rolled into a ditch in Tiny Township.

Southern Georgian Bay OPP officers responded to the single-car crash on Crossland Road, south of Lawson Road.

Police say a car left the road, rolled and went into the ditch at about 8:30 p.m. July 13.

The driver, an off-duty Huronia West OPP officer, was arrested and taken to the detachment.

Police say the officer has been with the OPP for six years and is to appear in Midland court July 25. ... -1.1367928
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OPP officer facing impaired charge

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TINY TWP. — An off-duty Ontario Provincial Police officer wound up on the wrong side of the law after an alcohol related crash, Saturday morning.

According to Southern Georgian Bay OPP, officers responded to a single-vehicle crash on Crossland Road, south of Lawson Road in Tiny Township.

Police say the vehicle left the road and rolled on its side when it entered a ditch around 8:30 p.m.

A 33-year-old woman was arrested at the scene and taken to the Southern Georgian Bay OPP detachment.

An off-duty member of Huronia West OPP has been charged with impaired driving and exceeding the legal limit.

The woman has been an officer with OPP for six years.

She was released with a future court date. ... red-charge
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OPP officer convicted of impaired driving

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Six year veteran of the OPP convicted of driving drunk while off duty.

(Tiny Township) - A six-year OPP veteran has been convicted of impaired driving.

33-year-old Constable Lana Gauvin is with Huronia West OPP, and she was charged after a crash in Tiny township in July.

Police officers were called to a single vehicle collision on Crossland Road, where the vehicle left the road and rolled onto its side into the ditch.

The driver was arrested at the scene and charged with impaired driving and driving with a blood-alcohol level above the legal limit.

Gauvin was off-duty at the time of the crash.

She was convicted of impaired driving when she appeared in Midland court on Thursday.

The charge of driving with a blood alcohol level above the legal limit was withdrawn.

Gauvin received a 12 month driving prohibition and a fine of 1,750 dollars.

Saturday, September 21, 2013 2:39 AM by Kevin Bernard ... wsID=60290
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