Retired OPP Officer = PEDOPHILE

News reports and online publications exclusively in reference to the Ontario Provincial Police.

Retired OPP Officer = PEDOPHILE

Postby Thomas » Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:31 am

Pedophile deserves jail, Crown says

Retired OPP officer admits he has ‘unnatural sexual attraction to young girls’

A retired OPP officer and diagnosed pedophile who confessed that he had an “unnatural sexual attraction” to young girls should be sentenced to up to two years in jail after sexually abusing a three-year-old, a Crown prosecutor argued Wednesday.

Assistant Crown attorney David Elhadad said John Bateman, 70, “should have known better” than to sexually assault and sexually interfere with his young victim on two occasions between 2007 and 2009.

“As a seasoned investigator that had a lengthy career, he knows the effects this has on victims,” said Elhadad, who argued that the one-time police officer and security guard should be sentenced to between 18 and 24 months behind bars for fondling the girl and trying to force her to perform oral sex.

In a victim-impact statement written by her mother, the girl said she has nightmares that Bateman will be “mad” and come over to her house. Her mother said that her once happy-go-lucky five-year-old, whose world revolved around “ponies and rainbows,” has been left with shattered self-esteem.

“She told me that she wants to throw herself in the garbage because she is a bad girl,” the mother wrote.

In her own victim-impact statement, the mother spoke of her disbelief that a “respected retired OPP officer” could do the “unthinkable” and rob her child of her innocence.

“This man has stolen something so precious from her that can never be replaced,” said the mother. “The consequences of his actions will be felt forever.”

But Bateman’s lawyer, Gary Barnes, argued that Bateman learned his lesson after spending 86 days in jail and any more time would be “excessive.”

“It was an exceedingly unpleasant environment for him. He had to stay out of everyone’s way and hope they didn’t learn about his past,” said Barnes. “It’s my submission he’s already done enough time in jail and the focus here should be on his continuing treatment.”

Barnes said a psychiatrist found Bateman, who now lives in a men’s shelter, was a low risk to reoffend. But in the same report, Bateman also admitted to feeling an “unnatural sexual attraction” to girls between three and five years old since he was 14, Elhadad said.

Bateman is to be sentenced Aug. 23.

By Andrew Seymour , The Ottawa Citizen June 16, 2010 8:02 PM

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