OPP far too political

News reports and online publications exclusively in reference to the Ontario Provincial Police.

OPP far too political

Postby Thomas » Thu May 21, 2015 3:37 am

There is a questionable relationship between the Ontario Liberal government and the Ontario Provincial Police.

There are several OPP criminal investigations ongoing involving members of this Liberal government; the most high profile investigations are the gas plant scandal since 2013 and the inappropriate dealings during the by-election in Sudbury.

Also the three top OPP union leaders were arrested by the RCMP for theft and fraud. All the OPP investigations have become silent and report no results.

The RCMP investigation with a similar timeline brought Mike Duffy and two other senators to trial for fraud. Why is it that McGuinty and Wynne are getting a free pass for their actions or inactions?

During this past provincial election the OPP called publicly to vote against the Conservatives and was strongly supporting the Liberals. This action was incorrect for the OPP to get involved in politics.

This relationship between the Liberals and the OPP is too close for comfort and impartiality. We remember how Caledonia residents did not receive protection from the OPP, while the cops were standing by and watched the aggression from native radicals against the residents. We see similar troubling behaviour from the Ontario Liberal government inside the OPP and for that matter in many of our local police services.

It is unfortunate that even the media is Liberal biased. While Liberals often get a free ride in spite of their actions and issues of non-Liberal interests are not reported on while the opposite is true for the conservatives, who are crucified for every mistake and every political incorrect comment they make.

In remembrance of that horrible train derailment in Philadelphia it is fair to say that with everything what is happening in Ontario this government of Kathleen Wynne is like that out of control train that is about to crash the province of Ontario in a big way.

http://www.niagarathisweek.com/opinion- ... political/
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