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OPP officer charged with criminal harassment

Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:45 am

Veteran OPP officer charged with criminal harassment

OTTAWA — A longtime Ontario Provincial Police officer has been charged with criminal harassment after a woman told detectives he just wouldn’t leave her alone, particularly on Valentine’s Day.

Const. Adrian Garner, a collision investigator, has been suspended from duty and will also face charges under the Police Services Act following an internal investigation that had detectives retracing allegations dating back to 2011.

OPP detectives say the officer’s alleged harassment began in 2011 when he met a 28-year-old woman who worked at a telephone service store in Cornwall.

After he secured a new telephone service, Garner “engaged in repeated, unwanted contact with (the woman),” according to the internal allegations approved by OPP Deputy Commissioner Scott Tod.

But internal investigators say it didn’t stop there.

Months later, on Feb. 14, 2012, Const. Garner is alleged to have returned to her place of work and again approached her. And when he was asked to leave, the 54-year-old officer reportedly waited for her outside the store.

“This action resulted in (the woman) feeling distraught and compelled to arrange a ride home to avoid you,” the allegations state.

Ten days later, on Feb. 24, Cornwall police arrested Const. Garner, whose case goes to criminal court later this year. The maximum penalty on conviction is up to five years in prison.

Wearing civilian clothes, Garner reported to OPP East Region Headquarters in Smiths Falls on Sept. 12 for a first appearance on a Police Services Act charge.

“You knew or reasonably ought to have known that your behaviour was discreditable,” the internal charge reads.

The maximum penalty for discreditable conduct is dismissal.



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